World Lawn Bowls is back!

The world’s first lawn bowls game and is now back! Originally a PC Game created in 2004, World Lawn Bowls is now online for everyone to play against each other.
World Lawn Bowls now enables you to play other bowlers from your Desktop Computer or Mobile Device. Challenge other players around the globe and become a better Lawn Bowler, work your way to the top of the leaderboard and compete in competitions to be crowned the World Lawn Bowls winner!
The latest game will work on the following:
Mobile Phones:
– iOS 10.0 or higher
– Android 4.4 or higher
Desktop, Laptop and Notebook Computers:
We support Windows, MacOS, and Linux with a browser that is WebGL 1.0 or 2.0 capable. 2017 browsers onwards we support but only if you keep your system up to date!